Monday, September 30, 2019

Is The Future In Our Hands?

There are many different theories about the future, some people think that god has planned our future, but other people think that we are in control of our own future, I personally think the same. I have done some research on these theories, which follows. How many times in your life have you doubted the power of God showing in your life? How many times have you said that is this is a problem that even God cannot take care of? How many times have you remained discouraged because it did not seem that the power of the most high God was shinning through you life?Well, first , lets take a look at a certain Bible verse that should be able to reassure anyone that God is all powerful and very much in charge of this earth. † He hath made the earth by His power, He hath established the world by His wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by His understanding. † Here we see that fact that God not only created the world that we now live on, but this particular Bible verse gives us three important facts about God: Power, Wisdom and Understanding.Just take a look at the verse, it tells us that that earth was made by His power, established by His wisdom and that the heaven was made by His understanding. What other proof do you need to realize that a God that is this great is more then capable to take care of you and allow himself to be manifested in your life? A recent example of this is the tsunami in china this shows that god is very much in control of our life. People with a strong character are able to make easier their own choices.The shaping of the character depends to the unique nature of a man, environment, family, education etc. Not all people have the same personality, character and nature. So not everyone can make his/her own choice at same level. Fate and destiny-Questions always arise when one or the other is mentioned. Can we rebel against our own destiny? Can we truly decide the path we want to take in life? These are questions with no definite o r final answer. Nevertheless, everything depends on our determination, our strength to defeat the obstacles we meet on our life's journey.A lot of successful and driven people in many varied fields confess that fate seems to be against them at the launch of their career. Most of them lived completely different lives before they achieved success, and they are proud to remember those times. It was hard, many successful folks say, but nothing could have held them back as they strove to the best. They also admit that they never dared dream they would be so famous or successful. All these facts make us wonder whether an apparently pre-established fate can be modified or completely changed.And if we indeed can change fate, how can we demonstrate what we're capable of? Could there be a way to modify the data, which composes the abstract book of life, just as easy as correcting something on a computer? And if that holds true, how do we know that there wasn't a mistake in the first place, an d our determination does not do more than merely correct it? After this research I have come to the conclusion that god controls our future, and not us. Thanks for listening today ladies and gentlemen and I bid you goodday. Is The Future In Our Hands? There are many different theories about the future, some people think that god has planned our future, but other people think that we are in control of our own future, I personally think the same. I have done some research on these theories, which follows. How many times in your life have you doubted the power of God showing in your life? How many times have you said that is this is a problem that even God cannot take care of? How many times have you remained discouraged because it did not seem that the power of the most high God was shinning through you life?Well, first , lets take a look at a certain Bible verse that should be able to reassure anyone that God is all powerful and very much in charge of this earth. † He hath made the earth by His power, He hath established the world by His wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by His understanding. † Here we see that fact that God not only created the world that we now live on, but this particular Bible verse gives us three important facts about God: Power, Wisdom and Understanding.Just take a look at the verse, it tells us that that earth was made by His power, established by His wisdom and that the heaven was made by His understanding. What other proof do you need to realize that a God that is this great is more then capable to take care of you and allow himself to be manifested in your life? A recent example of this is the tsunami in china this shows that god is very much in control of our life. People with a strong character are able to make easier their own choices.The shaping of the character depends to the unique nature of a man, environment, family, education etc. Not all people have the same personality, character and nature. So not everyone can make his/her own choice at same level. Fate and destiny-Questions always arise when one or the other is mentioned. Can we rebel against our own destiny? Can we truly decide the path we want to take in life? These are questions with no definite o r final answer. Nevertheless, everything depends on our determination, our strength to defeat the obstacles we meet on our life's journey.A lot of successful and driven people in many varied fields confess that fate seems to be against them at the launch of their career. Most of them lived completely different lives before they achieved success, and they are proud to remember those times. It was hard, many successful folks say, but nothing could have held them back as they strove to the best. They also admit that they never dared dream they would be so famous or successful. All these facts make us wonder whether an apparently pre-established fate can be modified or completely changed.And if we indeed can change fate, how can we demonstrate what we're capable of? Could there be a way to modify the data, which composes the abstract book of life, just as easy as correcting something on a computer? And if that holds true, how do we know that there wasn't a mistake in the first place, an d our determination does not do more than merely correct it? After this research I have come to the conclusion that god controls our future, and not us. Thanks for listening today ladies and gentlemen and I bid you goodday.

Earth Structures

Lesson Goal: Recognize how bedrock responds to tectonic forces originating deep within Earth. 1. Compare and contrast stress and strain. In material science, strain is express by deformation caused through the action of stress on a physical body. It is calculated by a change in two body states; beginning and final states. The difference in two states expresses the (numerical) value of strain. Strain is equal to a change in size and shape of a physical body. Strain can be categorized in to two types; homogenous and non-homogenous.Homogenous strain is referred if the strain is equal the entire portion of the body while non-homogenous strain; the strain is equal to a portion of a body. Stress is equivalent to force per unit area. It is calculated by the intensity of internal forces performing within a body across imaginary internal surfaces. This results to externally applied and body forces. Stress is related to force while strain is related to deformation. In stress-associated propert ies, all materials have temperature dependent differences.Static fluids support the hydrostatic pressure; it will flow under shear stress. Moving viscous fluids supports the dynamic pressure (Samaniego â€Å"Stress, strain and fault patterns†). 2. Distinguish between joints and faults. What makes a fault active? In geology, joint is a fracture in a rock mass, which has no offset. It refers to non-lateral movement of one side relative to the other while a fault refers to a fracture in rock mass where one side slides laterally past to the other. The structure of a joint forms a solid and hard rock that stretches past its elastic modules.In any case, the rock fractures in a plane perpendicular to the extensional stress is paralled with compressive stress. Joints naturally exist when erosion removes overlying rocks. This reduces the compressive load and allowing the rock to expand laterally. In addition, cooling of hot rock masses and cooling joints forms joint (Joint 2007). Ther e are three major classifications of faults. These include normal, reverse and strike slip faults. The (tectonic) stresses due to plate motions were developed over time and breaks in the crust of the Earth. The rocks at uneven periods break up.This results to earthquakes. Normal faulting originated at the divergent boundaries while reverse faulting originated at convergent boundaries. Normal faulting is associated with crustal extension while reverse faulting is associated with crustal shortening. Lastly, strike-slip faulting originated at transformed boundaries (Reches â€Å"Faulting of rocks in three-dimensional strain fields II. Theoretical analysis†). 3. Explain what each type of unconformity implies about the sequence of geologic events. Four types of unconformity include; disconformity, nonconformity, angular unconformity and paraconformity.Disconformity refers to an unconformity between parallel layers of sedimentary rocks representing a period of erosion. Nonconformit y exists between sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks. The sedimentary rock lies above and deposited on the pre-existing and eroded igneous rock. Unconformity refers to a break in the continuity of sedimentary rocks caused by erosion. Paraconformity appears when the beds above and below are parallel; no erosion-al surface is present. In any case, the unconformity results to a separation and/or deposition of two rock masses causing the sequence of geologic events (Unconformity 2007).Works Cited â€Å"Joint. † 2007. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. , Columbia University Press. 9 December 2007 < http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/sci/A0826522. html>. Reches, Z. â€Å"Faulting of rocks in three-dimensional strain fields II. Theoretical analysis. † 31 March 2003. Technophysics. 9 December 2007 < http://www. sciencedirect. com/science? _ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V72-48894N0-2S&_user=10&_origUdi=B6V9D-3X2HYRH-S&_fmt=high&_coverDate=05%2F20%2F1983&_rdoc=1&_orig=article&_ac ct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=ca2e0b329475a6f5a70a37b5eda89e86>.Samaniego, A. â€Å"Stress, strain and fault patterns. † 30 July 1999. Journal of Structural Geology. 9 December 2007 < http://www. sciencedirect. com/science? _ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V9D-3X2HYRH-S&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=715c8aab57dd7baa2d89a90c55869bbd>. â€Å"Unconformity. † Sci-Tech Encyclopedia. 9 December 2007 http://www. answers. com/topic/unconformity? cat=technology.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analytical Jurisprudence Essay

Analytical jurisprudence is a method of legal study that concentrates on the logical structure of law, the meanings and uses of its concepts, and the formal terms and the modes of its operation. It draws on the resources of modern analytical philosophy to try to understand the nature of law. It is not concerned with the past stages of its evolution or its goodness or badness. Law exist as it is, regardless of good or bad, past or future. â€Å"a law, which actually exist, is a law, though we happen to dislike it, or though it vary from the text, by which we appropriate our approbation and disapprobation† Analytical jurisprudence is a legal theory that draws on the resources of modern analytical philosophy to try to understand the nature of law. Analytical jurisprudence is not to be mistaken for legal formalism (the idea that legal reasoning is or can be modelled as a mechanical, algorithmic process). Indeed, it was the analytical jurists who first pointed out that legal formal ism is fundamentally mistaken as a theory of law. Analytic, or ‘clarificatory’ jurisprudence uses a neutral point of view and descriptive language when referring to the aspects of legal systems. This was a philosophical development that rejected natural law’s fusing of what law is and what it ought to be. David Hume famously argued in A Treatise of Human Nature that people invariably slip between describing that the world is a certain way to saying therefore we ought to conclude on a particular course of action. But as a matter of pure logic, one cannot conclude that we ought to do something merely because something is the case. So analysing and clarifying the way the world is must be treated as a strictly separate question to normative and evaluative ought questions. The most important questions of analytic jurisprudence are: â€Å"What are laws?†; â€Å"What is the law?†; â€Å"What is the relationship between law and power/sociology?†; and, â€Å"What is the relationship between law and morality? Analytical School has got different names: * Positive School – because it focused on â€Å"positivism† (latin) which means â€Å"as it is†. * English School – because this school was dominant in England. * Austinian School – because it was de facto founded by John Austin. Jeremy Bentham- Originator of Analytical School One of the earliest legal positivists was Jeremy Bentham. Bentham was anearly and staunch supporter of the utilitarian concept (along with Hume), an avid prison reformer, advocate for democracy, and strongly atheist. Bentham’s views about law and jurisprudence were popularized by his student, John Austin In 18th century England law was not organised , but it was present in a very haphazard way as a result of customs and morals or thoughts, there was no absolute guiding principle behind law. It was said that law had grown in England rather than being made. Justice is nothing but social happiness guaranteed by social order and protecting certain interests which are socially recognised and worthy of being protected. This idea led to the foundation of analytical school. Jeremy Bentham is the real founder father of the English School of Jurisprudence but the real and full credit has never been paid to this Jurist because of his indolence in not getting his works published in spite of his whole life has been devoted to legal writing. Bentham was really a realist in temper and in his approach to Jurisprudence are two important aspects namely 1. The Analytical tool of law; and  2. The Utility tool of law John Austin took from Jeremy Bentham the analytical tool but rejected the utility tool as a one that beyond the realm of Jurisprudence proper. Austin’s utilitarian answer to â€Å"what is law?† was that law is â€Å"commands, backed by threat of sanctions, from a sovereign, to whom people have a habit of obedience. The major premise of analytical school is to deal with law as it exists in the present form. It seeks to analyse the first principle of law as they exist in the given legal system. The exponents of analytical school of jurisprudence consider that the most important aspect of law is its relation to the state. They treat law as a command emanating from the sovereign, namely, the State. This school is, therefore, also called the imperative school. The advocates of this school are neither concerned with the past of law nor with the future of it, but they continue themselves to  the study of law as it actually exists i.e. positus. Characteristics of Analytical School of Jurisprudence: As stated earlier, Bentham’s concept of law is imperative one i.e. law is an assemble of signs, declaration of volition conceived or adopted by sovereign in a state. He believed that every law may be considered in the light of eight different aspects. 1) Sources – law as the will of sovereign. 2) Subject – may be person or thing. 3) Objects – act, forbearance or situations. 4) Extent – law covers a portion of land on which acts have been done. 5) Aspects – may be directive or sanctional. 6) Force. 7) State 8) Expression. Criticism: Customs ignored – analytical school regard only the command of sovereign and ignores the history of the evolution of law thus ignoring the important role of custom. It only takes customs as to me mere source of law. No place for judge made law –judge made law is the important factors of law in the modern world but the analytical school completely ignores the value of precedents. Command over-emphasised –the modern progressive law is nothing but the general will of people whereas the analytical school over emphasise the command of sovereign giving a dictator viewpoint. International law is mere morality –one more point is, that analytical school thinks that international law is mere morality due to the lack of sanction and enforcing capacity. No legal system exist in vacuum and hence can not be fully understood by focusing on law itself. Modern trends also suggest that bending of socio economic factors is also a part of jurisprudence. The school whereas, do es not take into account the legal change. It takes for granted the perfection of legal system and proceeds to explain its fundamentals, however change in the important factor in all aspects of life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Importance of Becoming a Learning Organisation Essay

Importance of Becoming a Learning Organisation - Essay Example â€Å"A learning company is an organization that facilitates the learning of all its members and consciously transforms itself and its context†. (Pedler et al., 1991, cited in Pedler, 1995: 21) One of the implications of his statement is that a learning organization should focus on the â€Å"continuous learning and the development of potential† (Pedler, 1995: 21) not limited in just senior management but also in all employees within the company, and in the business partners of the company such to satisfy stakeholders’ needs. Senge (1990: 3) has the similar viewpoints on the continuous process of organizational transformation, which he defines learning organization as: â€Å"where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together.† Braham (1995) also has a similar view which organizations are responsible for ensuring that learning is not hindered and to promote lifelong learning to everyone in the organizations. Such standpoints are also supported by Dixon (1994), cited in Pedler and Aspinwall (1998: 16), that she comments a learning organization makes â€Å"Intentional use of learning processes at the individual, group and system level to continuously transform the organization in a direction that is increasingly satisfying to stakeholders.†

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Serial murderer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Serial murderer - Essay Example He asked her to remain inside and not to move, as he wanted himself to go and save her. When he entered the apartment, he saw dead bodies lying on the left side. Amongst those bodies were nude bodies that seemed to be slashed and were lying there from hours. Towards the door there was another half nude dead body which had slash marks on the breasts and the neck. Kelly found three more bodies lying in one of the bedrooms. Their wrists were bound and all the three bodies were slashed badly on their throats. With each step he took the entire scenario was becoming horrible. Kelly in his 18 month job had never witnessed such a horrible and brutal case. He claimed this area to be one of the safest living places. As he stepped into the second bedroom he found three more bodies scattered around the room. It seemed that no one was alive. Kelly immediately ran after the girl who was on the ledge outside the window and pulled her inside immediately. She was trembling and shaking with fear. After this scene several patrol cars started arriving, Kelly asked one of the officers to take this girl with him while he was securing the situation. According to that girl she used to share the apartment with nursing students at South Chicago Community Hospital. Flanagon was trying his best to get a complete picture of the scenario and asked what has happened to her friends. The 23-year-old Corazon Piezo Amurao, who was saved, told Flanagon that the entire thing started when one young man in his mid 20s knocked the door lat night. He approximately weighted 175 pounds and was wearing a dark waist-length jacket and dark pants. He used his gun to open the door forcefully and entered the apartment. The armed man ordered the girls to give all the money they have. When two of the girls just entered the room and tried to resist and get out of the apartment, he pulled them inside and killed them. All the girls were dead and she was the only

What's your point of view Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

What's your point of view - Essay Example As such, can such people put away technology and embark on simple methods of operations? This could be adapted by just a few individuals while the others would like to think of concepts like an ideal thus lack the effort and self sacrifice in making the ideal a reality. However, such individuals console themselves by asserting that vast amounts of land and forests have been kept for people to experience the simplicity with which fishing, hunting, camping can bring. This does not mean that we lack our roots to the earth and world. As long as we have balance that has been kept between advancement in our civilization and the connection to nature, then we have to flourish in the both ways in the society (Wright 98). However, there have been instances when we cannot achieve this balance as some people are overly saturated by one way instead of incorporating the other ways. This rages the debate on. We can neither go back to our advancements, nor can we forget on how to move on without these advances and the connections we have to nature. Therefore, if we embrace both we are bound to succeed, but with one, we will stagnate, become our own means of destruction and falter. In the medical sector, several advancements have been carried out and there is still more advances in our daily lives. People easily access better medical attention and can live for a very long period as opposed to the earlier days. However, due to the long period number of days, people are now exposed to difficulties brought out by the advanced age and diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer and the aged have become a burden to the society as there is no specific place to take care of them (Postman 34). Video games and computers have become very popular among the teens, adults and children after undergoing several advances (Kelly 76). However, there are several debates which have come up in accordance to the appropriateness of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Inventables Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Inventables - Research Paper Example Inventables Incorporation analyses the up-to-date technologies and materials from all over the world and exhibits the most appropriate items to customers on a trimestral basis. To be counted for inclusion, specimens must demonstrate fascinating properties in addition to substantial prospective for ‘technology transfer’ - the likelihood to be employed in a business that they are presently not standard(Rao par 2). The ‘Inventables service comprises of access to the firms online database as well as actual, physical models of selected specimens. This paper is going to analyze the Inventables Incorporation. Inventables provide firms with the technology and the materials to invent their own ideas. Having available materials and technology has rendered the innovation process for most companies easy and less costly. When the technology and materials are available, companies can try out different ideas to formulate new inventions or even improve on the available inventions thereby making them more effective and efficient (Rao par 3). Additionally, it saves companies the time they would have otherwise spent on searching the materials and the technology to create new inventions. Inventables launched an innovators hardware shop, which is a tailored collection of materials to democratize accessibility of these materials by interested clients (Rao par 3). The company has also created a website where its clients can access it and find out what is available and at the same time meets their needs. When companies have a production notion or even a production challenge or require a specialized material to afford a solution, they do not start from scratch. Instead, companies search the extensive variety of technologies and materials one of which could be the solution to their snag. The Inventables’ website is easily accessible, with a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate while searching for products (Rao par 4). Inventables has become very beneficial to small

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tigers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tigers - Essay Example Above the orange, the tiger is the vertical column of the white waterfall. The line of the plants underneath the Tigers do a similar transfer of colors, but they also form the vague outline of a heart, suggesting a strong bond between the animals. All of these less noticeable elements contribute to the idea of deep friendship between the two tigers that are the subject of the image. As has been discussed, there are two tigers in the image, one white and one orange. They stand on their hind legs with their forelegs wrapped around each other’s shoulders so that their bodies meet in a strong diagonal slant. Only the white tiger’s face is visible, but it almost seems as if the animal is smiling as it rests on and supports the other. This embrace is seen as friendly instead of combative because of the other elements of the image that have already been discussed.As we look at the image above, we gain a sense of strong friendship between creatures rather than competitive fight ing. The viewer is soothed and grounded by the deep greens of the background and is given a strong sense of energy and harmony by the other colors involved in the image. Stability and comfort are added to by the shapes and lines included in the background and foreground. This all contributes to the way that the subject of the image, the two tigers, is interpreted by the viewer. In the end, we understand the image to be a picture of friendship between similar but different creatures that contribute to the harmony and health of the natural world.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung - Case Study Example It finds out the accuracy rate of the company’s performance while measuring the quality of its processes (Doty, 1996). It helps the managers to understand the level of productivity in each department and operate those processes at full potential. It is beneficial to DAV because it will identify the quality of the forms filled by the customers and inserted by an employee. It would then help the company in monitoring and controlling the processes (Harvard Business School, 2009). Challenges and limitations in applying SPC (Services to manufacturing) More often the use of the statistical process control tool is used in the manufacturing industry, but its use in the service industry can be rather challenging because of the intangible product (Trip, Does, & Roes, 1999). Humans are the only source that could be referred to while using offering services. So, measuring the people is the biggest challenge in the SPC because the company has to find out the errors that an employee is comm itting instead of a machine which is used in the manufacturing industry. It makes it impossible for companies to consider the factors while measuring their performance. ... There was a conflict in judging the quality of the form as right or wrong. Senior managers suggested that forms should not be considered as wrong if critical information is missing. 2. Better teams do more sampling: There was an issue with some groups that had to increase the sample size which was becoming a burden for some other groups. One group claimed that they had the best accuracy rate of 98% but still they had to increase the sample size (Harvard Business School, 1997). 3. Measuring Lawyers: The lawyers that were working in the legal department had problems regarding measuring the legal work of the customer form. They could not decide between a good form and a bad one even while measuring on the scale (Harvard Business School, 1997). 4. Automatic Charting: There was an issue that the group wanted to measure the quality automatically and should develop and IT system that would monitor these forms. They claimed that this method would save them a lot of time and will make the com pany productive (Harvard Business School, 1997). 5. On the Prowl: The associates were beginning to feel hesitant in providing the accurate results to the senior managers because of their reactions when they find out about the low accuracy rate. They were thinking to work on measuring another type of work which would yield better results to make their senior managers happy. Why problems are occurring and how they can be resolved The solutions and recommendations for the problems are underlined below: Better Teams do more sampling As the quality improvement was being tested in 15 different departments of the company each group from those departments showed interest. But as the quality improvement program continued, it created a lack of interest. So the company should try to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Humanistic Theories of Organizations Essay Example for Free

Humanistic Theories of Organizations Essay The relationship between the â€Å"boss† and the employee is an important one indeed. It is a relationship that can make or brake an organization. While classical theorist such as Fredrick Taylor (Scientific Management Theory), Henri Fayol (Administrative Theory) and Max Weber (Theory of Bureaucracy) (Modaff, Butler, Dewine 2012 p26.) emphasized the literal structure of an organization; i.e. worker productivity, chain of command and preserving organizational authority, they were not too concerned with an organizations social structure. However, â€Å"Human Relations Theory† (Modaff, Butler, Dewine 2012 p43. ) builds more on an organizations social structure suggesting that an organization can benefit greatly from a positive social relationship between its supervisors and its employees. It is clear that there is a positive connection between â€Å"authentic leadership and employee voice behavior† (Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012). Authentic Leadership, Employee Voice Behavior the Hawthorne Studies Hsin-Hua Hsiung (2012) quoting Walumbwa et al. 2008, p. 94 writes that â€Å"Authentic Leadership† refers to ‘‘a pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacities and a positive ethical climate, to foster greater self-awareness, an internalized moral perspective, balanced processing of information, and relational transparency on the part of leaders working with followers, fostering positive self-development’’. In the referred to article Authentic Leadership and Employee Voice Behavior: A Multi-Level Psychological Process (Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012) the author discusses an investigative study of the â€Å"psychological process of how authentic leadership affects employee voice†. He suggests that the â€Å"theoretical model† of the study proposes that positive mood of the employees and, what he terms, the â€Å"leader–member exchange† or LMX quality mediate the relationship between authentic leadership and voice behavior, while the procedural justice climate moderates the mediation effects of positive mood and LMX quality (Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012). This study ultimately revealed â€Å"the cross-level effects of authentic leadership†, and provided practical suggestions to assist employees expressing themselves and their opinions in the organization (Hsin-Hua Hsiung 2012). Ironically, the Hawthorne Studies (Mayo, Roethlisberger Dickson 1939) in human relations had a similar conclusion. Among other implications these studies (Illumination, Relay Assembly Test Room, the Interviewing Program and Wiring Room Studies) collectively proposed that supervisors â€Å"pay attention to your workers to increase their satisfaction and productivityà ¢â‚¬  (Modaff, Butler, Dewine 2012 p). Conclusion, Strengths and Weaknesses In conclusion, the article in my opinion was a fair explanation of a study that concluded that there are positive implications for social interaction between supervisors and employees. The strength and weakness of the article is the authors supporting research material. While he quotes several researchers and documents to validate his findings and his theory is supported by what the author terms â€Å"multi-level data from 70 workgroups of a real estate agent company in Taiwan†, he failed to research or mention the Human Relation Theory or the Hawthorne Studies (Mayo, Roethlisberger Dickson 1939) which in my opinion would have further strengthened theory. References: Hsiung, H. H. (2012). Authentic leadership and employee voice behavior: A multi-level psychological process. . Journal of business ethics, 107 (3), 349-361. doi: 10.1007/s10551-011-1043-2 Modaff, D. P., Butler, J. A., Dewine, S. (2012). Organizational communication: foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings. (3rd ed.). Glenview Illinois: Pearson

Saturday, September 21, 2019

VTE Prophylaxis after Joint Replacement

VTE Prophylaxis after Joint Replacement Clinical Management Plan Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses, Pharmacists  and Allied Health Professionals Student: Jade Keaney Background to Clinical Management Plan: Pharmacology, Monitoring and Evidence

Friday, September 20, 2019

Priesthood Of All Believers Theology Religion Essay

Priesthood Of All Believers Theology Religion Essay Luthers greatest contribution to Protestant ecclesiology was his doctrine of priesthood of all believers. It was a central teaching of Luther in the formation of Christian communities. Eric W. Gritsch has claimed, Luthers doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, developed particularly in his treatises of 1520, is one of the most revolutionary doctrines in the history of Christianity.  [1]  It is the clear biblical idea that we could see from the Genesis to Revelation. The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers opposes the unbiblical doctrine of sacerdotalism  [2]  and the existence of a Brahman-like  [3]  priestly class within the church. When Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of Wittenberg Castle Church on October 31, 1517, he was declaring war against the idea that salvation comes through the priesthood via the sacraments. His theses were anti-sacerdotalistic and he spoke against the theology that ex opere operato  [4]  supernatural li fe could be created through baptism, brought to growth by confirmation, nourished by the Mass, and healed of all diseases by penance and extreme unction. Luther vehemently rejected the idea that through sacraments a priest could control an individuals life both here and hereafter. Luther claimed that everyone who does have faith in Jesus Christ is a priest. He wrote that his hope was for a day when we shall recover that joyful liberty in which we shall understand that we are all equal in every right, and shall shake off the yoke of tyranny, and know that he who is a Christian has Christ, and he who has Christ has all things that are Christs, and can do all things.  [5]  The concept that all who believe in Christ are priests came into mind to Luther after he became convinced that Scripture was the only authority for a Christian. Believers are called to be the salt and the light (Matthew 5:13), this is only possible when the believers understands Christs priestly ministry and its own priestly role. This also has serious eschatological implications, as Christ comes to be united with his bride, the Church. Will He find a fragmented body or a united family of believers? Hence this paper mainly examines that where from the concept of priesthood of all believers begins in the Bible and for what purpose; what is the context that steered Luther to raise this idea of priesthood of all believers; the coherence between Luthers idea and the biblical idea of priesthood of all believers; and its implication to the present church of India. I. THE ORIGIN OF THE CONCEPT OF PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS IN THE BIBLE A priest is one who performs the sacrifices, makes the rituals and doing the work of mediator between God and man. He is the one responsible for offering the divinely appointed sacrifices to God, for executing ceremonies relating to the worship of God. In other sense, he is the representative between man and God. Scripture says, For every high priest, being taken from among men, is appointed for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.  [6]  The priestly office came first in time, when our first parents sinned and fell from the high estate into which they had been created. God Himself performed the priestly office when He slew animals and provided a covering for Adam and Eve.  [7]   A. PRIESTHOOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENT There were three orders of men in the Old Testament times such as the kingly, the prophetical and the priestly orders. They were set apart by anointing with holy oil for a particular vocation. A king in the Old Testament was one who ruled men for God. A prophet was one who spoke for God to men. And a priest was one who spoke for men to God. Among all these three orders, even from the very beginning of the human race, the believers have performed priestly works. In the particular period, the head of the family was doing the priestly office. He would build an altar and offer a sacrifice for the help from God. Scripture gives enough evidence for that. 1. Priesthood in the Patriarchal Age In the Bible history, the first period is commonly known as Patriarchal Age. The word patriarch comes from two root words meaning father rule. It encompasses the period between the creation events, and the time when Israel was separated as a special nation at Sinai for the preparation of the coming Messiah. In Genesis 4:3-5 both Cain and Abel functioned in the capacity of priest in that each was responsible for his own offering to God. We could see that when Noah disembarked the ark following the great flood, he offered sacrifices on behalf of his family.  [8]  Abram, after a long march from Ur, came into Canaan and built an altar at Shechem.  [9]  Again and again, Abraham offered sacrifices to God, as did his sons and grandsons. Thus, originally in mans relations with God, every individual functioned as his own priest before God with no particular location established for sacrificing and with no intermediary between him and God.  [10]  When He gave the Law at Mount Sinai , the people of Israel had been given an opportunity to become a kingdom of priests. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.  [11]   Here God makes a covenant with all the people of Israel. Based on the above text, the people of Israel become Gods possession and are chosen for the privilege of service. God instituted the priesthood of Israel as a congregated unit for the purpose of service to the world. This is the vocation of the people of God of which each member stands under Gods call, and each is accountable for his or her response to it. 2. A Shift on Priesthood But Israel disobeyed and God removed the opportunity for becoming a kingdom of priests. When Moses went up to the mountain to receive a list of rules and regulations for the newly freed nation, God also gave him instructions to form a professional priesthood. Now each layman would no longer be his own priest, the individual could no longer take his sacrifices directly to God.  [12]  Here God selected Aaron and his family and the tribe of Levi to be His priests. They were set apart that when Israelites entered the Promised Land, the priests and Levites received no inheritance of land as the other eleven tribes. They had been set apart for the service of God and were to be supported by the tithes and offerings of the peoples sacrifices. The sons of Aaron and the tribe of Levi had at least three distinctive as priests. 1. They had direct access to God. At appointed times they went into the Holy Place and even the Holy of Holies to communicate with God. 2. The priests represented God to the people of Israel. They were mediators who communicated the Word of God to the people since they were considered holy. 3. The people represented the people of Israel to God. The people could not approach a holy God directly because of their sin. The priests were mediators for the people as they brought sacrifices before the altar. The high priest entered the Holy of Holies yearly once on the Day of Atonement to offer an atoning substitute of a bull or lamb offering. One of the most important features of the priestly system was to emphasize the absolutely holy nature of Almighty God. This is a concept repeatedly affirmed in the Scriptures.  [13]   B. PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIVERS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT This was the situation continued Jesus Christ was crucified. At the same moment of Jesus death, the veil of the Temple was ripped from top to bottom.  [14]  From then on there has been no need for select group of priests. At that point in time and ever since then believers became priests, a part of Gods royal or kingly priesthood. The elimination of the office of priests as a select group of people is based, then, upon the physical sacrifice of Jesus, the ultimate High Priest. Jesus completed and fulfilled the role of priest in His substitutionary death. . . . but He became a priest with an oath when God said to Him: The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind: You are a priest forever. Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant . . . because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to savecompletely . . . Such a high priest meets our need-one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. . . . Unlike the other high priests, He does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for His own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when He offered Himself. For the law appoints as high priest men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.  [15]   The priest, then, is the person who himself has access to God and whose task it is to bring others to Him. While in the ancient world this access to God was the privilege of the professional priests, and in particular of the High Priest who alone could enter into the Holy of Holies. But now through Jesus Christ, the new and living way, access to God becomes the privilege of every Christian. The word priest comes from the Latin presbyter and the Greek presbyteros which simply means elder. This word was later used to describe the leader of a community. In modern usage the term priest seems to be derived more from the actual Greek word for priest hiereus.  [16]  In the New Testament this word is never used to describe a class or caste of people separate from the people of God. Instead, it is used in the sense all Gods people are a chosen race, a royal priesthood  [17]  The New Testament believers constitute the succession to the priesthood in old Israel, having been given the right of direct access to God through Christ. Furthermore, the ministry in the church has replaced the ancient priesthood. Hence, all the believers in Christ are priests in the New Testament. Put into historical perspective, the priesthood concept would look like this: for the first several thousand years mankinds history as recorded in the Bible, each man was responsible for functioning as a priest before God. Then, for approximately 1500 years, the time between Moses and when Christ appeared on earth, the priesthood of the professional existed. From the death of Christ until He returns again, we have reverted to the pre-Sinai days of the priesthood of the believer.  [18]   II. THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MARTIN LUTHERS REFORMATIVE THOUGHT It is better to look back the history of the church to understand that how the New Testament idea of priesthood of all believers was perverted into the Roman Catholic Idea of Institutionalism. A. PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS IN THE EARLY CHURCH HISTORY The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is found throughout the Scriptures and was practiced in the early church. As Dr. R. Laird Harris writes, First century Christianity had no priests. The New Testament nowhere uses the word to describe a leader in Christian service.  [19]  But this glorious doctrine was gradually replaced by sacerdotalism beginning in the third century, especially by Cyprian (c. 258) Bishop of Carthage. Cyprian treated all the passages in the Old Testament that refer to the privileges, the sanctions, the duties, and the responsibilities of the Aaronic Priesthood, as applying to the officers of the Christian Church.  [20]  He completely failed to grasp the central thesis of the Epistle to the Hebrews. He was blind to the fact that the only High Priest under the Gospel recognized by the apostolic writings is our Lord Himself  [21]  and not a solitary pope or bishop or priest of the church. So from the third century onwards the priesthood of all believers was not visible in theological thinking. But the Roman Catholic theologians justified sacerdotalism by saying that Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter, the rock upon whom Jesus would build his church. Further they says that Peter was the first pope of Rome, and so the pope of Rome by succession has the power of the keys of the kingdom to bind and loose, and even to save. Salvation is deposited in the Roman priesthood and dispensed through the sacraments. The sacraments are effectual ex opere operato, meaning the subjective condition of the priest or the recipient does not matter. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that there is no salvation outside of the priesthoods mediatorial function, and no person by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ may approach the Father with confidence! B. PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS IN THE MEDIVAL PERIOD By the successive centuries, the Roman Catholic hierarchy and other religious groups make a sharp distinction between the laity and the clergy. Such distinction was foreign to the early church where the ultimate authority in ministry traces back to the risen Lord. Along with the structural hierarchy is the sacrament of ordination. The church in Rome imposes the sacrament of ordination that results in the marked separation between the clergy and the laity.  [22]  Christianity had been plagued with it ever since. More and more the church began to structure itself on the basis of the former Levitical order, rather than on the purely New Testament idea of each man is a priest perspective. The change was slow and evolutionary, but pastors gradually came to be called priests and the believers laity. The communion table became an altar and the elements a sacrifice. At the dawn of the Reformation Era, the institutionalized church already would have two major distinguished bodies within the community of believers: the clergy and laity. The status lay people, both in principle and in practice, would not only subordinate to the priests, but also widens the gap between clergy and laity. The gap became synonymous with the sacred and the profane.  [23]   But godly men such as Peter Waldo, John Wyclif and John Hus saw the distinct difference and distance between the clergy and laity. They didnt like it, for it was in opposition to the teachings of the New Testament. Until the dramatic impact of the Protestant Reformation, these smaller movements had little pervasive influence.  [24]   C. PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS IN THE REFORMATION ERA During the Reformation era the concept of the priesthood of all believers became very contentious within the structures of the Institutional church. The Reformation era provides a framework in tracing the concept of the priesthood of all believers. An elucidation on how Martin Luther formulated the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers will be dealt with in the pages to follow. The concept that all who believe in Christ are priests occurred to Luther after he became convinced that Scripture was the only authority for a Christian. As he studied the Bible, especially Pauls Epistle to the Romans, he discovered that in and through Jesus Christ a believer possessed the righteousness of God, and therefore, immediate access to God without the mediation of an arrogant priesthood. Thus, the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is a sequel to the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone. Those who are clothed in the perfect righteousness of God are welcome in the presence of God. No Christian needs a pontiff, meaning a bridge builder, because Jesus Christ alone is the way to the Father. There were other efforts at reforming the Catholic Church, seeking to bring it back to a more biblical posture, but they all fell short of their goal. It was not until such reforming seeds germinated in a favorable political climate that fruit would be born. The date was October 31, 1517. The place was Wittenberg, Germany. An obscure priest named Martin Luther nailed his grievances to the church door, the Reformation was born. A number of changes were called for by this bold, imaginative priest, but at the very core of the Reformation was the conviction that all believers are priests of the living God. He felt that all believers had the right and responsibility to study Gods Word, involve themselves in the ministry, make confession to God on their own, and even administer the sacraments.  [25]   What had started in 1517 as a protest against indulgences by an unknown monk, developed in 1520 into an irreconcilable conflict dividing the Western Church. The three treatises of To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and The Freedom of a Christian are the heart of Luthers protest against the church of his day. The first was written in August, the second in October, and third in November. In great part, Luthers tract is a catalog of the deplorable state of Christendom. The pope exalts himself over secular rulers as well as over the church, and lives in unconscionable luxury. Rome is a moral cesspool where licenses to live in open debauchery can be bought and sold. The Church has become a machine for making money, and the popes henchmen, having bled Italy dry, have now turned their attention to Germany. Because of their inability to live up to the arbitrary rule of celibacy, many pious priests keep wives, yet do so secretly and with a bad conscience. The universities ignore the Bible and lecture on commentaries, and on commentaries on commentaries. The common people are ignorant even of basic Christianity.  [26]  In such a situation, Luther did write his treatises. Primarily, his first treatise of To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation occupied the central theme of the priesthood of all believers. Here it is better to examine the background that led Martin Luther to raise the concept of priesthood of all believers. 1. To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation a) Priesthood of All Believers As Social Implication In his first treatise of To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation the concept of priesthood of all believers has social, ecclesiastical and spiritual implications. At the dawn of the Reformation era, the institutionalized church already would have two major distinguished bodies within the community of believers such as clergy and laity. Socially, he accepted the context of western Christianity, where temporal rulers belong to the body of Christendom. Within the Christian social order, the rulers are ordained of God to punish evildoers and protect those who do good. When pressed by the temporal power the Romanists have made decrees and declared that the temporal power had no jurisdiction over them, but that, on the contrary, the spiritual power is above the temporal.  [27]   Luther argues against the medieval division between the temporal and the church authorities and their separate jurisdictions in all matters. First of all, he attacked the social distinction that emphasized by the Romanists, It is pure invention that pope, bishop, priests, and monks are called the spiritual estate while princes, lords, artisans, and farmers are called the temporal estate. This is indeed a piece of deceit and hypocrisy. Yet no one need be intimidated by it, and for this reason: all Christians are truly of the spiritual estate, and there is no difference among them except that of office.  [28]   He maintains that all Christians are equally Christian so that none is superior to any other as far possessing what is essential to the church, because we all have one baptism, one gospel, one faith, are all Christians alike; for baptism, gospel, and faith alone make us spiritual and a Christian people.  [29]   Relying upon 1Corinthians 12:12-13, which describes the Church as the body of Christ and each member a part of that body, Luther acknowledges differences between Christians, not as questions of status, however, but as occasions for service to others. All are not the same in what God has given them to do, but they are all the same in what God has given them to be in the Church, viz., His very own people. All Christians, therefore, have the same status. By quoting 1Peter 2:9 and Rev. 5:9-10, Luther describes that status as priest and ascribes it to every Christian, As far as that goes, we are all consecrated priests through baptism.  [30]  So what differentiates Christians is simply the work that God has given them to do: There is no true, basic difference between laymen and priests, prices and bishops, between religious and secular, except for the sake of office and work, but not for the same of status. They are all of the spiritual estate, al are truly priests, bishops, and popes  [31]   As part of the divine economy, God has given to each Christian a particular calling in this life whereby he serves others, Everyone must benefit and serve every other by means of his own work or office so that in this way many kinds of work may be done for the bodily and spiritual welfare of the community, just as all the members of the body serve one another (1Cor.12:14-26).  [32]   As examples of such vocations in the body of Christ, Luther mentions cobblers, smiths, peasants, and temporal authorities besides the clergy. But what is noteworthy about the last, those who have as their vocation the administration of the Word of God and Sacraments,  [33]  is that they are exercising an authority that belongs in the first instance to every Christian. For besides designating ones status before God, Luthers concept of the priesthood of believers also includes spiritual power in the church. b) Priesthood of All Believers as Ecclesiastical Implication Luther rejects ecclesiastically, the clergys monopoly on interpreting Scripture. He attacks the second wall of Romanists that only the pope may interpret the Scripture, determining correct doctrine, forgiving sins, and exercising discipline. There is no Scriptural warrant at all for the claim that only the pope may interpret the Bible. Here Luther clarifies the illusion that some of the Romanists claim of the power that was given to St. Peter. Although they allege that this power was given to St. Peter when the keys were given him, it is clear enough that the key were not given to Peter alone but to the whole community. Further, the keys were not ordained for doctrine or government, but only for the binding or loosing of sin.  [34]   As handlers of Scripture the Romanists are manifestly incompetent, and this makes their claim to hold a monopoly on biblical interpretation absurd. The Romanists must admit that there are among us good Christians who have the true faith, spirit, understanding, word, and mind of Christ. Luthers main point is that the Pope isnt the only person able to read the scriptures. He writes, Has not the Pope often erred? Here Luther implies that the Pope isnt God, and that he makes mistakes.  [35]  The Pope, therefore, can misinterpret the Bible. Luther shows that the Pope is like everyone else, so therefore others can interpret the scriptures as well. Luther then uses the Bible as a way to prove the second wall wrong. Luther quotes Christs words, And they shall be all taught of God(St. John vi. 45). Everyone should be able to interpret the scriptures and be taught of God, without the Popes help. Furthermore he questions, Besides, if we are all priests, as was said above, and all have one faith, one gospel, one sacrament, why should we not also have the power to test and judge what is right or wrong in matters of faith? What becomes of Pauls words in 1Corinthians 2:15, A spiritual man judges all things, yet he is judged by no one? And 2Corinthians 4:13, We all have one spirit of faith? Why, then, should not we perceive what is consistent with faith and what is not, just as well as an unbelieving pope does?  [36]   Even more, Luther attacks the third wall of Romanists. He argues that there is no basis either in the nature of a Christian society or in Scripture for the Romanists refusal to call a council. Luther brings up that St. Peter wasnt the only person to call a council: Thus we read in Acts 15 that the council of the Apostles was not called by St. Peter, but by all the Apostles and the elders.  [37]  Also, nowhere in the scriptures does it say that the Pope is allowed to call a council by himself. Therefore their threats can be safely ignored, and a council should be called without delay to deal with a long list of abuses in the Church. Ordinary people and temporal authorities have the right and duty to do this, not only by virtue of their status as kings and priests before God, but because the crisis in the Church demands it. Would it not be unnatural if a fire broke out in a city and everybody were to stand by and let it burn on and on and consume everything that could burn because nobody had the authority of the mayor, or because, perhaps, the fire broke out in the mayors house? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦How much more should this be done in the spiritual city of Christ if a fire of offense breaks out, whether in the papal government, or anywhere else?  [38]   Therefore, Luther concludes that it is the duty of every Christian in the Church as having the responsibility of priesthood of all believers; he has to espouse the cause of the faith, to understand and defend it, and to denounce every error. c) Priesthood of All Believers as Spiritual Implication Luther declares that since we have one baptism, one gospel one faith, and are all Christians alike; for baptism, gospel, and faith alone make us spiritual and a Christian people. He quotes 1Peter 2:9, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Gods special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Yet all are alike consecrated priests, everyone must benefit and serve every other by means of his own work or office so that in this way many kinds of work may be done for the bodily and spiritual welfare of the community, just as all the members of the body serve one another. Mainly all should share the three priestly functions such as prayer intercede with God on behalf of others, proclamation speak the gospel sharing it with the neighbor, and sacrifice living a cross-centered and servant oriented life. Since the Church is in a state of crisis and someone has to act. The temporal authorities and ordinary lay people can and should do so because there are no inherently unspiritual vocations, because all Christians in all vocations are kings and priests, and because the deplorable state of the Church is the concern of every Christian. 2. The Babylonian Captivity of the Church Nevertheless, the second treatise of Luther, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church also has the influence of the idea of priesthood of all believers. In this treatise, he discusses and dismantles the medieval sacramental system. In a measured but powerful way, Luther subjects each of the seven medieval sacraments such as baptism, Eucharist, penance, confirmation, marriage, ordination, and extreme unction to the critique of Gods Word and concludes that there are, strictly speaking, but two sacraments in the church of God baptism and the bread ( Eucharist). For only in these two do we find both the divinely instituted sign and the promise of forgiveness of sins  [39]   Not surprisingly, in his di

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sociology: The Study of Culture Essay -- Sociology Essays

Many times I have attempted to comprehend the actions of other people. I always wanted to know why people of different genders, descents, and colors had certain cultural, societal, and religious beliefs. It became apparent to me that all persons are a direct reflection of their environment. In other words, all persons unconsciously, and sometimes consciously, reflect and imitate their environment and the things that they see. Every culture has their own individual stereotypes and belief systems. The reason for this is that people place arbitrary meanings on life's occurrences based upon those of the individuals which preceded them. Thought patterns of an individual are all dependent upon the teachings of others. We perceive and understand the physical and social world based on the meanings we attach to people, things, and actions. To put it simply our minds are all guided by the force of "other minds" that are "more developed" than our own. This is all a part of Sociological study. These studies look at the predominant attitudes, behavior, and types of relationships within a society. A society is a group of people who have a similar cultural background and live in a specific geographical area. but before we get into this however Lets take a step back and look at the field in which these studies derive from. Sociology is a social science that studies individuals, groups, and institutions that make up human society. It is an observation of how people relate to one another and to their environments. They also study the formation of groups; the causes of various forms of social behavior; and the role of churches, schools, and other institutions within a society. Social behavior is studied extensively in the field of s... ...rom all secular practices. This includes watching television, listening to radio or partaking in any activities which is not in reverence of their religion. To a Christian however this practice would seem absurd. Their reality does not carry the same beliefs. Although these are just a few examples it gives you an idea of how a persons geographical location and cultural background can shape their individuals belief. Many of which are not practiced by other cultures. If you wanted to better understand a persons ways or why it is that people of different ethnic backgrounds have different beliefs and practices. It would be best to start with trying to understand that persons culture and their socialization process. Once you begin to grasp an understanding and they way they have grew up then it will be easier to understand why they do things in a certain way.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: Kill Mockingbird essays

To Kill a Mockingbird Comparison and Contrast of the Characters of Bob Ewell and Atticus Finch In this essay I will introduce you to the two main characters in Harper Lee's book "To kill a mockingbird", comparing them in their attitudes and actions. Atticus Finch is a single father raising two children in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus works as a lawyer believing in equal justice for all Americans regardless of race or religion. Bob Ewell is also a single father raising eight children who also lives in Maycomb. Bob is unemployed collecting welfare who believes in racial segregation. He believes in different modes of justice for blacks and whites. Atticus is very compassionate while talking to his thirteen-year-old son Jem. Atticus was explaining to him that he would do anything just for Bob to stop beating his kids. As he said, "So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella one extra beating, that's something I'll gladly take. He had to take it out on somebody and I'd rather it be me than that houseful of children out there."(Pg. 221) In addition Atticus explains to Jem that he had to do what he had to do because he destroyed Bob's last shred of credibility, whereas Bob is a coward who doesn't deal with the matter but makes things worse. Bob proves himself to be very cowardly. He doesn't think before making his actions. As a result of this he tried to kill Atticus' children, Jem and Scout. As they were walking home from the Halloween pageant, Bob came out and tried to kill them. Bob got what he deserved when Boo Radley, a neighbor who hides his identity, came out and saved the children, killing Bob. Atticus and Sheriff Tate, the officer of Maycomb, proved to be fair and told Maycomb that Bob fell on his knife to help Boo from public recognition. Tom Robinson was accused of raping Bob Ewell's daughter Mayella. Tom Robinson is a black man who is defending himself against white people to win the case. Atticus has taken on the case to defend Tom because he treats everyone as equals and it was important for his self-esteem.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Contiki Tours : Marketing Strategy Analysis Essay

Contiki Tours is an organisation that offers packaged holidays to a variety of local and international destinations. Their targeted market is limited by age. Clients must be between 18 and 35 years old. The analysis will focus on Contiki *s Australian market for international holidays. Contiki have adopted a concentrated marketing strategy in identifying market segments. This means that they have elected to focus their marketing efforts on gaining a high share of one particular segment of the market (i.e. 18-35 year olds). The advantage of such a strategy is that it allows specialisation which may produce economies in production, distribution and promotion. However, it does entail some risks in that market needs can change or competitors may enter the segment. The risks and benefits of this strategy will be examined more closely in the analysis of the marketing mix. Product In order to assess the effectiveness of Contiki’s marketing strategy it is important to understand the n ature of the product offered by the organisation in terms of the benefits that it provides. Broadly, it is a service product (eg. flight, bus trip, food preparation) although elements of the product are physical (eg. food, t-shirts). It is a specialty product given that it meets a specialised need and consumers are willing to spend quite some time searching for and evaluating. It is also purchased infrequently. It would also be considered a high involvement product due to the relatively high risks of purchase. The notion of purchase risk will be explored in more detail in an analysis of consumer behaviour. Price The nature of the product, characteristics of the target market, and consumer behaviour each have important implications for pricing. It should be noted that the price paid for the product by the consumer involves more than the nominal price (i.e. the ‘price tag’). As well as the money paid for the product, consumers endure time costs and must expend behavioural and cognitive effort. Cognitive effort may involve the customer dealing with some of the risks of purchase (Ross, 1984). There are a number of implications of this analysis for Contiki. Firstly, the organisation can manage the price t hat consumers pay by minimising the time, behavioural and cognitive effort that is used purchasing the product. By decreasing the costs to the consumer, Contiki is able to increase the perceived value of their product to consumers. Over-the-phone or internet information and booking services would decrease the time taken in actually purchasing the product, and therefore the cost of the product to the consumer. Also, convenient agent locations would minimise the behavioural effort for consumers. Contiki attempt to coordinate with a wide range of travel agencies who are educated by Contiki sales staff on product attributes (the distribution channel and its implications for pricing with be covered more thoroughly in a later section of this analysis). It should be recognised, however, that many consumers derive utility from extensive cognitive involvement in the purchase process. For example, some customers may enjoy discussing at length with consultants, their itinerary and travel options. To the extent that this occurs, friendly and knowledgeable travel consultants should be an integral part of Contiki’s product offering. In order to achieve this, promotion (i.e. personal selling) to the distribution channel should be emphasised. From this discussion it is evident that the interaction between consultant and customer is a key aspect of the value delivery sequence. Increasing perceived value involves managing the people or participants in the consumption process (Berry, 1980; Booms & Bitner, 1981).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Healthcare Informatics Discuss Essay

The information revolution has changed the health care system to an unbelievable level. Combination of informatics in nursing is going beyond data processing function I view nursing informatics as a specialty title to health care informatics. Health informatics. the application of computer and information science in al basic and applied biomedical sciences to facilitate and acquisition , processing, interpretation, optimal use, and communication of health-related date. Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2012. P.6). I consider healthcare informatics is dealing with information, computerized information and telecommunications. Especially for nursing informatics deals with these also but how they impact patient care. Nurses in today’s world are almost all familiar with some sort of healthcare informatics such as a computerized medication system or charting systems as well as discharge instructions or patient education. Every nurse at my facility uses the computer, internet, and intranet dail y to conduct patient care. I work in the OR and we get our room assignment off a computer generated sheet. There are definitely different levels the variety of nurses are able to use the computer systems for these purposes. We collect data and information before patient come to the operating room. We will collect date about patient’s age, weight, allergy, blood work †¦..Etc. We use this knowledge to manage and plan the patient care. For example: my patient is overweight I will need to solve the moving patient from cart to bed problem before and after surgery. I will put a special air mattress on the OR bed. And by checking the patient labs from the computer, I will know if this patient has been cross matched for the surgery in case so unpredictable blood lost from the surgery. I think the computer system is essential for patient care. It benefits both the patients stay and the work flow of the nurse. From the patients perspective they can expect fewer errors, shorter stays, better communication, and even more high tech rooms with vital sign equipment that enters its data into a computer automatically. Patients can also expect better education and information about a certain disease, even the rarest of them all. The benefits to nurses are tremendous. short7sweet (Se ptember 2008) Reference Hebda, T. , & Czar, P. (2012). Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals (5th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Short7sweet (2008, 09). Health Informatics. Retrieved 09, 2008, from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

4.2 Workfile Review

4. 2 Warning: Alcohol is a Dangerous Chemical Work File Review Section One: Look at each of the statements below. Based on what you have heard and what you believe, which ones are facts and which ones are myths? Place an â€Å"x† next to the answer that represents your choice. *ATOD Orange County Schools Check your answers by selecting the â€Å"Alcohol Pretest Key† on the 4. 2 Activity page. 1. Drinking is part of being an adult. Eventually, everybody drinks alcohol. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 2. Drinking makes you more appealing to others. Fact ____ Fiction Y 3. A mixed drink contains more alcohol than beer.Fact _Y___ Fiction ____ 4. A person's size can determine how quickly alcohol can have a negative effect. Fact ____ Fiction _Y___ 5. Coffee is a good way to sober up. Fact __Y__ Fiction ____ 6. Only a few deaths from car accidents are related to alcohol usage. Fact ____ Fiction _Y___ 7. Alcohol is a dangerous drug. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 8. Drinking makes bad feelings go away. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 9. Drinking makes your problems disappear. Fact ____ Fiction __Y__ 10. Mixing alcohol with another drug can cause overdose and death. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 11.As soon as alcohol reaches your stomach, it affects your abilities. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ 12. Alcohol has no effect on family violence. Fact ____ Fiction Y 13. Alcohol is a poison. Fact YFiction____ 14. Women who drink during pregnancy may have retarded or deformed children. Fact Y Fiction ____ 15. Children of alcoholic parents are more likely to become alcoholics. Fact ___Y_ Fiction ____ Note taking is important for this lesson. Read the questions on the left side of the page very carefully and then record meaningful facts and ideas in the main larger, right-hand column.Be sure to read each stated web site very carefully. Your test will come directly from the notes. This method for taking notes is called â€Å"Cornell Note Taking. † Questions/Main Ideas:Notes_______________________ ______________________ Select: Blood Alcohol Educator 1. List three facts that you have learned from this site. Men has better drinking skill than women 2. Compare the various effects that alcohol has on the mind and body at two different blood alcohol concentrations. 3. Evaluate the decision by all fifty states to enact a BAC limit of . 8 as the legal limit for drunk driving on drivers over the age of 21. Why was this law so important for everyone's health and safety? Select: Myths about alcohol[->0] 1. List at least three organs that can be affected by alcohol use. 2. If you were involved with alcohol as a teen, predict what four people (other than your parents) would be most affected by your use of alcohol. Select: What is a drink? [->1] 1. What is the definition of a standard drink for beer, wine and distilled spirits? 2. How does the amount of alcohol in a malt liquor compare to other brewed beverages? . Why can’t you group all 12 ounce beers as having the same alcohol c ontent just as you would with one 12 ounce wine cooler? Select: Drinking and Driving[->2] 1. Analyze the promising but inadequately evaluated measures that can be used to reduce drinking and driving. Please predict the 3 that you think would be the most beneficial. 2. Identify 2 ways that you can help in the task of reducing drinking and driving. 3. Explain BAC and explain its importance in determining DUI or DWI. Heart, liver, stomach GF, friend, teacher, sister Select: Effects on the Body[->3] . List five (5) effects alcohol has on the body’s central nervous system. 2. Contrast a healthy liver with that of a liver affected by alcohol consumption. Include a minimum of 4 facts in your note-taking column. 3. Imagine you are a physician. A 40- year-old patient comes to you complaining about her health. During your consultation, you find out she has consumed a 12-pack of beer every night for the past 17 years. Speculate the condition of her body, making sure to include the effec ts of alcohol on her brain, intestines, liver and bones.Select: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome[->4] 1. What problems may a baby have if the mother drinks while she is pregnant? 2. What is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? 3. A pregnant woman is at a family birthday party. Her brother brings her a drink called a white Russian (it has three different shots of liquor and milk in it). Her brother says it will be good for you –â€Å"it has milk in it†-what should she do? 4. You are at your friend’s house for dinner and your friend’s mother who is pregnant is drinking wine with dinner.You have been taking the life management class online and learned about fetal alcohol syndrome; your friend is concerned about her mother drinking while being pregnant. What could you do to help? [->0] – http://web. archive. org/web/20070414002507/http:/madd. org/stats/0,1056,1156,00. html [->1] – http://pubs. niaaa. nih. gov/publications/Practitioner/pocketguide/pocket_guide2. htm [->2] – http://www2. potsdam. edu/hansondj/DrinkingAndDriving. html [->3] – http://www. collegedrinkingprevention. gov/CollegeStudents/interactiveBody. aspx [->4] – http://www. nofas. org/

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Job as a Child Protective Investigator (CPI)

I will be talking about my current job as a Child Protective Investigator (CPI) also known as Child Protective Services (or CPS). This is the governmental agency that is tasked with investigating child abuse or neglect. The primary concern of a CPI is the safety of the child; they do this by assessing the risk involved. By weighing that risk the CPI has to make the decision rather to remove the children or child from the home or place services within the home that will allow them to function as a family in a more productive manner.Once the CPI has made the decision to remove the child or children, the next step in the process is find and create a plan that will eventually return the child to a more proficient and safer family environment. The CPI will assign the family to a caseworker who is tasked with developing a plan to administer to the parents that will educate them on better ways to care for the children and meet all their needs, and create and environment free from abuse or n eglect.CPI’s deal with a variety of families, with different backgrounds, values, religions, cultures and beliefs, which have a bearing on the way they parent; this means that CPS has be flexible and understanding when it comes to dealing with the problems they face within these family structures. The fact is that the American population is continually changing for many reasons such as; ethnically, culturally, racially, and linguistically based on the diverse populations that are a part of the US fabric.CPS organizations must create and implement a better and improving systemic change in order to understand and meet the needs of this diverse population of families. In this ever changing environment CPS must be even better prepared and become an even more effective communicator when it comes to helping and working with our families and providers. I have been working as a CPI for over 2  ½ years and will share with you what I think this organization operates like and what mak es it tick.I will evaluate the Organizational Behavior of Child Protective Services and explain the weakness or strengths I have faced since being a part of this organization. First what is Organizational Behavior? It is defined as the study and employment of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Organizational behavior is not the evaluation of how the organization will behave, but rather the evaluation of the people or individuals behavior within the organizational setting. They study the behavior of the individuals as well as group settings.The study and purpose of organizational behavior is for the leaders to gain a better understanding of those things that may change, interrupt or influence individual and sectional dynamics within a company setting so that the organization can become a more effective and proficient business. A large part of organizational behavior is researching and evaluating as to provide leaders with the needed resources, i nformation and tools they will have to have in order to successfully train, select and retain personal in a manner that would benefit both the personal and the organization.Organizational culture is driven by â€Å"competition and a strong desire to deliver results and accomplish goals†. (Kinicki. and Kreitner 2009, pg. 43). I believe that based on the child Protective services (CPS) organizational culture the concept used is the ‘salad bowl’ because of the diversity within the organization. I say this because many of the CPI’s and workers are of different races, cultures, ages, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity and physical ability. I believe that this diverse culture is very good for this organization it provides a very positive environment which translates into positive productivity.CPI’s use multiple types of strategies and steps to ensure good production and good service. Such as reading the families background if they had a prior case as m any of them do and checking law enforcement reports to see what are the families issues, culture and background prior to going out on the case which will give the CPI a better insight on the type of family and the concerns they are facing. I believe the culture of CPS as an organization is evident by the values, norms, organizational beliefs, goals and many other primary factors. This also relates to all internal interactions and any informal and formal implementation.In CPS there is a strong mutual respect for each other and the CPI’s are supported, encouraged allowed to do what they think is needed to meet the family and organizational goals and to continue to develop and hone their skills in the field. Because CPI’s work primarily alone in the field, they are entrusted with decision-making and execution in the absence of their leaders. Many times the CPI will have to attack a problem and make a decision on the spot and may not be able to get into contact with the su pervisor therefore leaders must have the type of people they can trust and rely on to make the best decision without guidance.In CPS you can see that the organizations culture is evident in their goals, mission statement, integrity, standards, values, and ethics. The mission statement of CPS is to provide proficient, caring and productive services to the protection of children and their families; to seek the improvement and protection of abused children and to seek reunification for the families and provide family the education tools required for the child to remain in the home; and to meet and exceed the needs of the families using innovative and unique products, resources and services.To create and provide an equal, balanced and great place for the CPIs to work and excel. Because of the different cultures and people CPI’s face in this business there are multiple types of communication used and embraced by CPS. CPS uses a variety of both verbal and written communication as f orms of disseminating information throughout CPS. The type of communication that is used is dependent upon the importance of information and how quickly it needs to be provided. Some of these communication devices are: emails, brochures, company websites, meetings, notice boards, letters, telephone, and texting.What the CPS tries to do is to ensure that the communication is always open and that it represents and displays the culture of CPS. Communication devices play a major role in CPS, because many of the families we come into contact with have disabilities which may require a different type of communication, such as sign language interpreters, virtual websites may have to be used because the interpreter may be in another state, like interpreters for people that speak different languages and so on.It is vital to be able to communicate the message you are trying to convey to these families in a manner they can relate to, because bad communication can be destructive to the fabric of this family and there well-being. CPS believes that the key to the success of this organization is to ensure effective leadership and that the leaders have strong leadership, communication, management, and people skills, as well as be compassionate and caring when it comes to child protection.In CPS, the leadership hierarchical of authority flows from the upper management down to the CPI’s and their supervisors. But this process of leadership is of a democratic type leadership because CPI’s and workers have the chance to voice their concerns and participate in decisions making that will affect the organization. But if conflict arises the final decision is made by the supervisors and higher.The higher hierarchical do make the decision on policies and procedures but will usually have meeting and conferences asking the opinions and concerns about upcoming changes, if it is something that is coming down the pipeline that is more of a directive they will try to give the or ganization the time and information needed to prepare for this change in policy or procedures. Leadership tries to work with CPI’s and try and understand what their concerns are as they are the ones dealing with the everyday changes within the community and families on a day to day basis.It is not just important for the leaders to be in touch with their CPI’s, but to be able to relate to the issues and concerns they have about what they are seeing in the field. If a leader shows the compassion, understanding and empathy to what their CPI’s is going through, they will without a doubt gain their loyalty and trust. If CPI’s feel they cannot trust their supervisors they have an open door policy for CPI’s to come in and voice their concerns without reprisal. CPS has a code of conduct which applies to all members of the organization and is enforced if abused.These Codes of Conduct embodies all the ethical policies and procedures to be followed. This code of conduct makes CPIs and other workers of CPS feel they have a voice and make them feel empowered and not afraid to attack a situation or problem. CPS also has a Whistle blowers protection policies implemented within this organization. I think this policy creates trust within the organization and its leadership, and CPI’s feel that they are an asset to the company and are valued.When it comes to motivation how to motivate people varies from person to person; but it is vital to the success of a company that the leaders have the ability to motivate their CPIs and workers in order to be successful and more productive. The best way for leaders to do this is to know their people and what makes them tick. Because I may be motivated by time off and another person may be motivated by money. In CPS motivation is needed and imperative for CPI’s to go out day in and day out and be productive when facing such grim situations.For instance I remember a week where I was being overw helmed with cases, working late hours every day, and I ran into a case where a 6 year old girl was being molested by the step-father and the uncle and the mother was aware of it. This case really drained me and it took everything I had as a man and a person to get up the next day and go back out to do this job. I remember my supervisor called me into the office and said â€Å"I can see this week has been hard on you; take the day off and go home and be with your family, I got your cases for the day†.This meant a lot to me and it was the motivation I needed to get through another day when I returned, it was the time off I needed and my supervisor showed me he understood and cared for what I was going through. From that day on there was nothing he could ask me I would not do, he earned my respect and loyalty. This is part of the culture that is CPS, CPI’s are given their assignments and goals and what are expected of them and if needed, to work as groups. CPI’s ar e given continuous training to improve their knowledge and skills.CPS tries and implements incentives and rewards, promotions are available if you are productive and efficient in your job performance. CPI’s are given Pay raises, time off and other incentives as a form to motivate them. CPI privacy is safeguarded through the CPS compliance officer; this is an important factor to CPI’s as they deal with sensitive situations. CPI’s has the responsibility of making critical decisions when it comes to child protection. What this means is CPI’s has to have strong decision making skills, this is accomplished by them knowing and understanding their emotional quotient.CPS encourages the CPI’s to seek this both personally and professionally by using classes provided on the website, through seminars, sessions and provided guest speakers. When CPI’s and workers are aware and in control of their feelings and emotions it resonates throughout the organizat ion and they are much more productive and confident. It is important that CPI’s have the ability to excess their interpersonal and intrapersonal emotions to help them to become a more well-rounded CPI within their jobs.They can do this by being more self-aware, self-regulated, self- motivated, having stronger social skills and being empathetic towards the cases and families that encounter. CPS provides CPI’s with emotional training workshops and training coaches to help them become more proficient and productive. For instance I remember when I first got this job, when I received the report on the family and looked at what some of the prior reports were I found myself forming opinions about the family before I ever met them or conducted the investigation into the allegations.My supervisor taught me that it is important to keep your personal feeling out of the process and find the truth and only deal with the truth. Because people change over time and allegations are jus t that allegations until they are proven otherwise. This is the best advice I got when it came to this job and the knowledge I needed to be a more productive investigator. CPS is not a virtual organization but does use virtual organizational elements to enhance the technical experience needed to keep up in this fast pace and growing organization.We are a very large organization and are spreaded out through several regions, not only are we as child protective investigators spread thin; we are in contact and have to use many other resources and organizations that help us provide services to our clients and families. These other entities and organizations include , medical personal, Psychologist and other mental personal and agencies, law enforcement, counselors, schools, lawyers and non-profit agencies to name a few. So when we have what we call a staffing which involves many of these different people and organizations, they are spread out all over the city and state.So this can be ve ry difficult to get them all in one place based on each individual busy schedule. This is where the virtual elements came in as a manner in which to provide a tool that allows us to all be in different places and still be able to come together and address an issue. We are able to do this through virtual elements like; virtual meetings, classes, teleconferences, virtual speaker conferences, etc†¦ to be able to reach and communicate with other CPS personal and offices around the country and state.By using virtual elements it saves time, resources and money and we can effectively reach our goals and get out our message to a large audience with little complication. In conclusion, I think it is imperative that an organization should continuously evaluate their organizational behavior as a manner of determining how effective their process and business policies and procedures are doing. You must try and understand what are the strengths and weaknesses of your organizations performance and what is needed to fix it so your organization can move forward in a positive and successful manner.CPS is an organization that cannot afford to fall behind or lack in any form of technical, environmental or any other change as it relates to the services they provide to families. CPS has a very important job and it requires us to be proficient, up to date and fully trained so we can ensure that nothing but the best service is being provided to children who are being abused and families that require assistance. I believe this is the kind of job that requires people that care, are empathetic, and have a burning need to help others because we cannot afford to drop the ball when it comes to children safety.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Short answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Short answer questions - Essay Example Every day the public is exposed to hours of reports on human suffering in its various forms, both through news/discussion, and in the themes of regular programming. This skewed view of reality presents a major barrier to pro-social changes. Significant improvements in this area can only be brought by system-wide alterations that are supported by a common understanding of the issue. The FCC tends to focus on nudity, coarse language, and violence, as elements they want to protect the public from. But evidence about these factors and if they have a significant negative influence on social behaviors is conflicting. It is possible that the opposite is happening; violence in the media may allow people the opportunity to express their more aggressive tendencies . This situation would agree with reports that aggression is higher in children after they play violent games (Anderson & Carnagey, 2009). The fear of desensitization to violence is another potential influence of media that is poorly understood. Those against such programming would argue that lessened responses to violence means less empathy, while supporters would point out that desensitization is a completely normal response throughout most areas of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How students should have an year off before college ( research paper ) Essay

How students should have an year off before college ( research paper ) - Essay Example The reasons for which will be discussed in this paper. However, prior to discussing these privileges, I will first present the possible drawbacks of a college gap year that was not properly planned and thought out by the parents and student. Yes, even for all the perceived benefits of the gap year, there are also negative effects or reasons for doing so. Let's put it this way, Hollywood has produced one too many movies about teenage high school graduates who go backpacking through Europe for all the wrong reasons. Taking a gap year does not mean that a high school graduate should party up a storm and insist in spending it in Europe when the parental units may not be able to afford it. This is not a movie like Eurotrip. Spending a year in Europe just to party is not an economical thing to do. The plane ticket is expensive enough without parents having to shoulder the cost of the child â€Å"exploring† the wrong side of Europe through parties that make the kid stay up late and s leep all day. Nothing remotely related to learning can be gained from that. Some kids also opt to take a year off from school when he is not accepted into his chosen university. The excuse becomes that the gap year is necessary in order to help him prepare to try and gain acceptance into the same university or college next year. A college application rejection is not the end of the world that one should wallow in for a whole year. There is no discounting the fact that getting rejected by any school one submitted an application to is quite upsetting. But the point of getting into college is just that. One learns to deal with rejection and go on with life. By opting to take a year out of the educational system, the student only makes matter worse for himself. Taking a year off will not guarantee that there will be an admission in his future. However, opting to attend a â€Å"safety school† will at least guarantee that the student can try to get a transfer application accepted t he next semester or the next year, depending upon how the grades look for that student. Finally, the biggest mistake a student can make is considering a gap year simply because it will look good on his resume. Just because your college resume might look a little thin on the experience and volunteer side does not mean that there is nothing in it for a decent school board to consider. Those are not the defining moments of your high school career. Instead, what college boards really look for are the good grades and passing marks relevant to the application you put in. The most important question is if a student, without a gap year experience to include in his resume, still has the credentials to make the grade for the college department of his choice (Katz, Gillian â€Å"3 Great Reasons to Take a Gap Year and 3 Bad Reasons to take a Gap Year†). Now, taking into consideration all of the wrong reasons for a student and parents to give in to the lure of a gap year. There must be so me truly good benefits from taking all 365 days off from school. Otherwise it would not be a very big deal for the others who have already successfully taken and used their gap year to advantageous results. Remember that the high school senior year is the most grueling of all high school years. The senior year is the academic year that concentrates on the general college subjects that are per-requisites to

How Will Advances in Big Data, IT, Cloud Computing and Analytics Essay

How Will Advances in Big Data, IT, Cloud Computing and Analytics Impact Healthcare - Essay Example Cloud computing is the use of computer software and hardware over a network normally as a service. This means that in order for someone to use the software and hardware they do not need to have them physically, all they need is access to the network where the respective cloud network is located (Agha, 2012). A good example of cloud computing is where hospitals compile all their information centrally and staff with verified passwords can access the information irrespective of the geographical location. Analytics can be considered the communication and discovery of patterns in data sets. Analytics are normally used in areas where that have a lot of recorded information. Analytic greatly depends and relies on computer programming operations and statics. Analytics can be used in the healthcare system where patient information may be used to predict future trends in diseases and general health of the population. Healthcare has been curbed by a lot of problems. It is filled with a lot of setbacks and short comings. One of major inefficiencies of the healthcare system is the old filling system. This is where all records including patient records and disease records are stored in the manual hardcopy files. There are no softcopy backups thus making the hard copy files the only files on record. This has proved cumbersome since there are hospital records that date back to almost the 1900s. Finding such a record using the manual filing system is very difficult. As it is known, almost all disease and outbreaks repeat themselves in time. This means that doctors might be unable to identify some old diseases just because a record of the disease in the past cannot be located. Another major inefficiency in healthcare is administration. Administration in the healthcare system is very poor yet a lot of money is used in the administration of all health care system. This is double inefficiency. Administrating healthcare especially in underdeveloped countries is done in a